Success Stories on Grokkoli

Special needs learner catches up 1.5 grade-levels in under 4 months
Meet Autumn (name changed to protect their identity), an 11-year-old learner facing multiple learning challenges, including cognitive impairment, ADHD, level-2 autism, and bipolar disorder. Starting Grokkoli on Oct 19th, 2023, she was assessed at 15% through the grade 2 curriculum, struggling even with basic addition, despite officially being in grade 5 at school.
Autumn averages 4.1 sessions per week, 23 minutes per session. Fast forward to Feb 11, 2024, and Autumn has progressed to 79% through the grade 3 curriculum, with a 95% answer-accuracy during variation training, which effectively simulates continual pop-quizzes. Her school's math assessment software indicates she's advanced roughly 1.5 grade-levels over this same time-period.

Autumn is supported by her parents, present to provide emotional support, help her maintain focus, and be our eyes & ears on how well Grokkoli is behaving when she encounters difficulty.
Despite attending a special program at school with a 1:9 teacher-student ratio, Autumn's school initially accepted limited progress beyond grade 2 math, seemingly viewing substantial progress to be out of reach in her case. However, Grokkoli has overturned this perception, and her teacher now chooses to reinforce whichever skills Grokkoli has her working on, following the AI's lead in charting her learning path.
Autumn's story exemplifies how Grokkoli's tailored AI not only accelerates learning for those facing significant challenges, but succeeds where even special remediation programs administered within the school system may fall short. Our sincerest hope is to help as many more learners like Autumn.
Autumn's Mom: "I've been so impressed and happy with Autumn's progress on Grokkoli. She's moved at a much quicker pace than she has with her small size classroom at school. Moving so quickly through Grokkoli has given her that much needed confidence that she has desperately needed. We're excited to see what the future holds for her!"
Autumn's Dad: "I am thrilled that our Autumn is not only getting this level of progress with your expertise, but even being at the level of being used as an example! Wow. What a huge difference this program has made in our lives, and Autumn's future. This makes the difference that we for so long needed and hoped for. Thank you Grokkoli!"
Autumn's SAI (special academic instructor): "I have seen improvement in Autumn's math performance over the recent months. In the small group setting, she is able to demonstrate that she can utilize a multiplication chart for computing and she verbally gives input on how a problem might be tackled. Autumn's district math assessment has improved by 33 points!"

Dyscalculic learner catches up 1.5 grade-levels in just 5 months
Meet Siena (name changed to protect privacy), a 12-year-old learner grappling with dyscalculia, and ADHD. With early signs of difficulty in counting and skip counting, Siena's struggles intensified through elementary school, leading to anxiety and aversion to math-related activities. After various school transitions and persistent advocacy from her mother, Siena was formally diagnosed with dyscalculia, highlighting deficiencies in number sense, visual clustering, and symbol recognition. Frustrated by the lack of support from traditional educational settings, Siena's mom turned to homeschooling, trying a number of highly-recommended curricula, but ultimately finding she always had to break things down further for Siena before reassembling the components of a question.
Siena started on Grokkoli on October 17th, 2023, and was assessed at 92% through the grade 3 curriculum. Siena engages with Grokkoli for short 12-15 minute sessions five days a week. Initially supported by her mother, Siena quickly gained independence, progressing through the curriculum on her own. By April 5th, 2024, Siena had made remarkable progress, advancing to 45% of the way through the grade 5 curriculum.

Siena's mom's dedication to tailoring their homeschooling curriculum for her daughter has been pivotal in her recent achievements. However, Grokkoli's capacity to approach math in a comparable manner is also proving immensely beneficial for both of them. As she explains, "We have gone through many different math programs, but none works great for her and I need to break down the challenges into ways that she can understand it. That's why I like Grokkoli so much. It basically does what I do every day."
The challenges dyscalculia creates for learners can be especially hard to overcome, and Siena's story demonstrates how supportive Grokkoli's math-tutoring AI can be in helping these learners make tremendous headway. We hope Siena's success in rapidly accelerating her math learning will inspire and encourage other dyscalculic learners facing similar struggles.
Siena: "Grokkoli really helped me in a way that no other program has. I felt really supported and within a minute if I was having trouble with a problem they would ask me if I needed help or if I was still good and needed to work on it more. Grokkoli has really helped me increase the speed of question answering and the understanding of problems. Thank you Grokkoli."
Siena's Mom: "Grokkoli came about at just the right time for us. Confidence and the willingness to learn are so interconnected, and the way that Grokkoli is set up to be an errorless learning environment has really worked wonders for her."

Advanced learner soars to the top of his class with ease in just 4 short months
Meet Percy (name changed for privacy), an advanced student already excelling in school, particularly in math. His parents, committed to providing the best educational support, had previously enrolled him in Kumon. However, they found the program's repetitive approach unnecessary for their advanced learner, who wasn't responding well to this methodology.
On December 19th, 2023, Percy began using Grokkoli. Averaging just over three 21-minute sessions per week, Percy made remarkable strides. By April 18th, he had mastered 1⅔ grade-levels worth of additional math curriculum on Grokkoli, far surpassing his class, and obtaining perfect test-scores at school in a fraction of the allotted time. His teacher and classmates now occasionally refer to him as "the calculator".
Percy learns independently on Grokkoli, with his parents occasionally monitoring his progress. The family appreciates Grokkoli's flexibility, allowing learning anytime without commuting. They particularly value its visual approach to instructing math, and how well the system can "predict and catch" when Percy needs further explanation, breaking down concepts accordingly.
Percy's case exemplifies how Grokkoli's focus on supporting learners with special needs benefits all students, including high achievers. By providing truly individualized instruction, the platform empowers every child to soar academically.
Percy: "I like Grokkoli because it's online, I get the freedom to do it whenever I want and wherever I am."
Percy's dad: "Compared to the program Percy uses in school, Grokkoli is far more advanced in breaking down the module if the child does not understand it. It is impressive to see how visual the lessons are. Percy now scores perfect or above with bonus marks on tests, even in his fraction test he had recently. He is also able to complete these tests well before any of his other classmates and still achieve a fantastic grade. I would definitely attribute this to studying with Grokkoli."